function encodeURL(str){ var s0, i, s, u; s0 = ""; // encoded str for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ // scan the source s = str.charAt(i); u = str.charCodeAt(i); // get unicode of the char if (s == " "){s0 += "+";} // SP should be converted to "+" else { if ( u == 0x2a || u == 0x2d || u == 0x2e || u == 0x5f || ((u >= 0x30) && (u <= 0x39)) || ((u >= 0x41) && (u <= 0x5a)) || ((u >= 0x61) && (u <= 0x7a))){ // check for escape s0 = s0 + s; // don't escape } else { // escape if ((u >= 0x0) && (u <= 0x7f)){ // single byte format s = "0"+u.toString(16); s0 += "%"+ s.substr(s.length-2); } else if (u > 0x1fffff){ // quaternary byte format (extended) s0 += "%" + (oxf0 + ((u & 0x1c0000) >> 18)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0x3f000) >> 12)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0xfc0) >> 6)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16); } else if (u > 0x7ff){ // triple byte format s0 += "%" + (0xe0 + ((u & 0xf000) >> 12)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0xfc0) >> 6)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16); } else { // double byte format s0 += "%" + (0xc0 + ((u & 0x7c0) >> 6)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16); } } } } return s0; } |
encodeURIComponent(var str)을 사용 //decoder /* Function Equivalent to, "UTF-8") Copyright (C) 2002, Cresc Corp. Version: 1.0 */ function decodeURL(str){ var s0, i, j, s, ss, u, n, f; s0 = ""; // decoded str for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ // scan the source str s = str.charAt(i); if (s == "+"){s0 += " ";} // "+" should be changed to SP else { if (s != "%"){s0 += s;} // add an unescaped char else{ // escape sequence decoding u = 0; // unicode of the character f = 1; // escape flag, zero means end of this sequence while (true) { ss = ""; // local str to parse as int for (j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { // get two maximum hex characters for parse sss = str.charAt(++i); if (((sss >= "0") && (sss <= "9")) || ((sss >= "a") && (sss <= "f")) || ((sss >= "A") && (sss <= "F"))) { ss += sss; // if hex, add the hex character } else {--i; break;} // not a hex char., exit the loop } n = parseInt(ss, 16); // parse the hex str as byte if (n <= 0x7f){u = n; f = 1;} // single byte format if ((n >= 0xc0) && (n <= 0xdf)){u = n & 0x1f; f = 2;} // double byte format if ((n >= 0xe0) && (n <= 0xef)){u = n & 0x0f; f = 3;} // triple byte format if ((n >= 0xf0) && (n <= 0xf7)){u = n & 0x07; f = 4;} // quaternary byte format (extended) if ((n >= 0x80) && (n <= 0xbf)){u = (u << 6) + (n & 0x3f); --f;} // not a first, shift and add 6 lower bits if (f <= 1){break;} // end of the utf byte sequence if (str.charAt(i + 1) == "%"){ i++ ;} // test for the next shift byte else {break;} // abnormal, format error } s0 += String.fromCharCode(u); // add the escaped character } } } return s0; |
ajax 로 가져올때 java에서 utf-8로 인코딩을 해서 보내준담 javascript에서 decoding할때 사용해두됨~
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